Hi, so today of course I am going to blog again about my natural hair journey. So back in January 2012 I decided that I was going to transition until June and then do the Big Chop in June. I figured June because by then I would have 13 months of growth and my hair would be long enough for my liking. In the meantime I was wearing a weave. However, around March I got antsy and was really anxious to finally go natural. I couldn’t wait until June. So finally I asked my friends and family for a vote and they said cut it so that night I got some scissors and cut the weave out of my hair, washed and conditioned it and the next day went to great clips and got my hair cut. When she was finished with my hair it didn’t look anything like I had expected. It was a really short afro that looked dry. I had never seen my  hair like that. I wasn’t sure if I liked it. When I got back to my apartment I carefully looked at my hair. it was only about 3 1/2 to 4 inches long when i pulled it out. I had a weird mixture of feelings about it. I wasn’t sure if I liked it but at the same time I was glad that I did it. A couple of hours later I went to work.Image

the picture is me on the day that I did the big chop.